Hello there. Wow, this seems like an extremely horrendous thing to have to experience. You are very brave to share such intimate information about yourself, but as you mentioned, a lot of people suffer from this condition. It can only be a positive thing though as I'm sure it will help to educate people, or even better maybe help to diminish some of the stigma surrounding stuff like this. A friend of mine told me one of her friends had a tail..which sounds kinda funny right? I never really knew what exactly what was going on with her, but now after researching Pilonidal Disease it sounds very likely that this is what she had or still has. So not funny at all! This is all very interesting as I had known nothing about this condition before today, so thank you for sharing. I also have a question for you, I hope you wouldn't mind answering it for me. Out of the two pictures that you uploaded, the second one I'm wondering about. I understand that the incisions had to be sewn up after surgery, but did they sew your bum crack together at the top? I know it's kind of an odd question (I don't know what the proper anatomical name for bum crack would be, if even there is one or else I would use it o_O) but that is what it looks like in the picture and I'm just wondering, why wouldn't they just do the suture off to one side? Thank you again, your post has been very informative and eye-opening. I hope everything is going well and you have returned to good health, so you can get back to fully enjoying your beautiful family. Take care and keep up the writing, you're doing a good job! :)
Hello there. Wow, this seems like an extremely horrendous thing to have to experience. You are very brave to share such intimate information about yourself, but as you mentioned, a lot of people suffer from this condition. It can only be a positive thing though as I'm sure it will help to educate people, or even better maybe help to diminish some of the stigma surrounding stuff like this. A friend of mine told me one of her friends had a tail..which sounds kinda funny right? I never really knew what exactly what was going on with her, but now after researching Pilonidal Disease it sounds very likely that this is what she had or still has. So not funny at all! This is all very interesting as I had known nothing about this condition before today, so thank you for sharing. I also have a question for you, I hope you wouldn't mind answering it for me. Out of the two pictures that you uploaded, the second one I'm wondering about. I understand that the incisions had to be sewn up after surgery, but did they sew your bum crack together at the top? I know it's kind of an odd question (I don't know what the proper anatomical name for bum crack would be, if even there is one or else I would use it o_O) but that is what it looks like in the picture and I'm just wondering, why wouldn't they just do the suture off to one side? Thank you again, your post has been very informative and eye-opening. I hope everything is going well and you have returned to good health, so you can get back to fully enjoying your beautiful family. Take care and keep up the writing, you're doing a good job! :)