Want to be better at blogging, I always have the best intentions but eventually and realtively quickly I lose sight of my grandious plans of consistently blogging. I just spent some time on Pioneer Woman's website drooling over her husband (no, I'm not proud) and her seemingly effortless blogging. But mostly her husband, Run Don't Walk and go to her website www.ThePioneerWoman.com, click Confessions then Marlboro Man. You won't be sorry.
I've been reading her book this week Black Heels and Tractor Wheels, it's soooo good... I'm almost done with it. I've been taking it slow mainly because of my slackability when it comes to the other stuff I've not done this week.... like the last minute Bio 222 test I took and got a freakin C on. I can't believe it, I'm still in shock, a C. First C in college. Of course then I immediately figure out if I get an A on all the rest of the quizzes and the quizzes account for only 20% of the grade I will still get an A in the class, but still I'm horrified. I feel some of the questions were somewhat tricky and I don't know which ones I got wron but there's 25 questions total which mean I got 8 wrong. 8. I know you are shocked, I am too. And it was open book. Just to continue to rub it in of my loserness in this moment. Even David was shocked.
Moving on (or trying to)..... I am ahead in Criminology, only due to an oversight on the syllabus... and I took my Criminology test and got a 96 (though I believe 3 of the answers were correct--yes I emailed the professor). Took my first History test and am waiting for it to be graded. Buzzer.
This week we went to a Book Fair at the kids' school and then a Safe Harbor Valentine's Day Dance. Blythe's recycleable alien is completed and fantastic. So proud of her and her creativity. Grace got her hair fixed and it's only 6 days til her modeling appointment in Chicago. John got his hair cut today, finally!
Been working out this week on the treadmill. Still need to eat healthier. And be better at portion control. And drink more water. Goal: Lose 9 lbs by April so I can try on wedding dresses.
Family Vacation this year: Arkansas... .Yep that's right!
It for now, hopefully it won't be months before another post.... oh other than my creation of new words which I'm going to post today... or tomorrow... or maybe Sunday!

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