Saturday, February 6, 2010


It's Saturday and I'm exhausted! Thursday John tested positive for RSV and then we were sent to the hospital for a chest xray. It showed bronchitis but not pneumonia, thankfully! We were given a nebulizer for John with instructions of breathing treatments 4 times a day thru Friday, plus a steroid 2 times a day, when we were seen again by the doctor. We do the treatments at 7, 11, 3 and then back to 7 again. John hates the treatments. We went to the doctor yesterday at 4 and I thought for sure they would say we could go to 6 hour treatments but John was still wheezing in his chest so the dr. said every 4 hours til Monday when we get seen again. I'm thankful they are staying on top of it and of course I will do what it takes to be sure my son is healthy and sleep will come once he's healthy again!

Today my parents came and got the girls to stay over. Blythe and Grace were super excited to go stay at Mamaw's for the night. I'm hoping for a nap today. I'm so tired! David, John and I will go grocery shopping today for a superbowl feast for all of us for tomorrow. I looked online today for recipes and will be making cream cheese pinwheels, possibly jalapeno poppers, a football cheese dip, rice krispie treats (heart shaped), brownies along with chili. We should all be Stuffed!

I worked on my Evaluative Essay (movie review) yesterday a bit, looked up reviews for Hairspray 2007 edition on imdb and rotten tomatoes. I'm going to watch the older Hairpsray today and compare in my paper. I also plan on looking up actual history from Baltimore, Maryland in 1962 to see any similarities. I am nervous about writing this review, I looked at quite a few reviews last night and they are all so well written!

I'm a bit peeved at my English professor as I had emailed him Thursday before John and I went to the hospital to get the chest xray, explaining that John was sick and that I would email my movie notes and I wanted to ensure that the absence would be counted as excused vs. unexcused. In his syllabus he had said 2 unexcused absences would be marked a letter grade down. Then I emailed him later on asking if he got the message and emailed my Movie Notes that were due that day. I have heard nothing from him. So I sit here unknowing if my Process Assignment was accepted or my absence excused. I really don't get how a quick response from him would be asking too much. Well whatever I suppose, I just really hope that I can get a good grade.

I'm off to do John's breathing treatment, a few minutes late!

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